The practice offers a full range of contraception services including coil fitting and referral for vasectomy.
Choice of contraception
Deciding which is the best method can be difficult so please take time to read through these excellent guides.
A suggestion is to start with the general guide and then read the detailed guide for the method that interests you.
Or you could use this helpful online tool my contraception tool.
General guide
Detailed guides
- The combined pill
- The progesterone only pill
- The contraceptive injection
- The contraceptive implant
- The contraceptive patch
- The contraceptive vaginal ring
- The intrauterine system
- The intrauterine device
- Male and female sterilisation
- Male and female condoms
- Diaphragms and caps
- Natural family planning
- Emergency contraception
Who to book an appointment with
All Dr’s can prescribe pills, rings, patches and injections.
The following Dr’s are trained to fit the intrauterine device and system (coil).
- Dr Angela Farrell
- Dr Shazia Khan
The following Dr’s are trained to fit the implant
- Dr Angela Farrell
- Dr Shazia Khan
Please arrange an appointment with the appropriate Dr once you have decided.
Sexually transmitted disease
Our Dr’s also offer testing and treatment for a range of sexually transmitted diseases.
If you would prefer to attend a completely anonymous service, then you can self refer to Leeds Sexual Health service.
Pill check
Please book in with the Practice Nurse for a pill check when you require a prescription for your contraceptive pill.