Coronavirus has led to a number of changes for our practice but we are very much open & seeing patients at both surgery sites.
For the safety of our patients & staff please do not attend the practice to request appointments, do this by telephone or use the online e-consultation form available here, the doctors will triage all appointment requests by telephone to determine whether a face to face appointment is required. We ask that patients attending for any face to face appointment wear a face covering or mask.
We are carrying out routine & preventative care such as cervical screening tests, children’s immunisations & reviews for people with existing health conditions.
Prescriptions can be ordered online either by registering for online access or using an econsulation form, by email abbeygrange.medicalpractice@nhs.net, by post or through a pharmacy. If you are experiencing problems ordering your repeat medication please contact us to discuss this. Please do not attend the surgery to order your repeat medication. We will arrange for your prescription to go electronically to the pharmacy of your choice. If you do not already have a nominated pharmacy, please indicate on your request which pharmacy you would like your prescription to be sent to.
When you book an appointment we will ask you some questions to make sure you do not have coronavirus symptoms including a new continuous cough, loss or change of smell or taste or a high temperature. If you do have symptoms you must self isolate for 10 days only leaving home to get tested – visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or call 119 to book an appointment at your nearest testing centre.
Anyone living with you will need to self isolate for 14 days. If your symptoms are serous or get worse contact NHS 111 & they will advise you what to do.
We would like to say a big thank you to all our patients for their co-operation & patience during this difficult time.
Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has either a high temperature or a new, continuous cough or loss/change to sense of smell or taste. Visit the NHS website